
Work-Related Tax Deductions: What You Need to Know

The most important thing to remember for work-related expenses is that you must keep records.

It is easy to make big plans for the tax return you believe is coming your way. Home improvements, holidays, or paying down debt usually top the list of ways to spend the windfall. However, to get a refund, you need the numbers to align. This is where our expert tax accountants can help.


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Top Tax Planning Strategies for Tax Minimisation in 2024

It’s important to ensure you are properly prepared for your tax consultation.

Updated 7th June, 2024.

Many aspects of business can be challenging, but planning a tax minimisation strategy doesn’t need to be. Working out all of the many details associated with your taxes and remembering to account for any new or amended tax laws is a significant task when doing this yourself, so it is best delegated to a business accountant. However, whether you are lodging your own taxes or if you are working on your tax plan with a professional, you will want to to know the top tips for putting together a tax planning strategy.


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What is a Family Trust and What are the Benefits?

In order to make sure your trust is exactly what you want, it’s important to choose the right service for the right reasons.

Updated 6th July, 2023.

Aside from the business off the ground, few things will make a business owner happier than experiencing steady growth and profits. Your business accountant may suggest setting up a family trust as your company and profitability expand, but what is a family trust? To learn more, read our handy guide for definitions, benefits, and considerations.


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What You Need to Do to Protect Your Assets

To fully protect both your business and personal assets, you need to implement a comprehensive asset protection plan.

If you are like most people, you went into business to make money, and you are well aware that running a business can be quite consuming. However, you need to consider what strategies you employ to protect the assets you worked so hard to acquire. This is where our expert team of business accountants can help. (more…)

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Business Valuations: Eight Benefits for Your Business

Business management and evaluation.

You put everything you have into your business, time, talents, and resources, to name a few. However, have you put much time into considering the actual value of your company?


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Five Ways a Bookkeeper Can Help Your Business

Bookkeepers help manage your day-to-day finances.

A bookkeeper is responsible for maintaining a company’s financial records in an organised fashion. They keep owners and managers apprised of the condition of the business and help with planning future financial moves.


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24 Common Accounting Terms Explained

Accounts-payable, basic accounting terminology.

Regardless of your industry, you can benefit from knowing basic accounting terms. A majority of business owners need to have a working knowledge of accounting phrases, especially if you are in charge of your company’s books.

It is a common fallacy that you should not try to understand your accountant because the field has its unique language. You will be in a better position if you take a little time to become familiar with the accounting vocabulary.


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Outsourcing Your Accounting

Working accountant.

As any business owner can tell you, there are not enough hours in a day to keep up with all of the facets of running a company. While being busy is good, being overwhelmed leads to costly mistakes and burnout.

A timely solution for the issue of being too busy is for you to think about outsourcing some of the tasks that are on your plate. While some of the aspects of your company need your direct oversight, others are best handed over to a qualified business accountant.


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When is the Right Time for Growing Your Business?

Business growth.

Updated 9th March, 2023.

In business, it is easy to become overly excited about profits and strong sales. While both are excellent and arguably two of the reasons you are in business, you do not want to jump too quickly and put the cart before the horse. At the same time, fear is a killer of companies. And no one wants to contemplate missed opportunities. This is where our expert business accountants can help.


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12 Financial Moves You MUST Make When Starting a Business

Business woman calculating.

Updated September 8th, 2023.

Owning and operating a business is the dream of scores of people. Whether you see yourself running a bed and breakfast at the shore, designing cutting edge software, or grooming dogs and cats, it all starts with a dream.


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